About Us

Justin and Michelle pic

The Story of In Vino Veritas

We are Justin and Michelle from In Vino Veritas.

Since our inception in 2010, we’ve sourced amazing wines to introduce to our clients, allowing them to try new exciting varietals as well as ones familiar to them, from boutique wine farms. Each wine in our selection is chosen with precision and care, reflecting our commitment to quality. We believe in offering wines that are not your conventional grocery store option. Allow us to introduce you to a new experience in wine as we bring the delights of the Capes vineyards to your door!

Bringing the Cape to You

At In Vino Veritas our aim is to deliver an unparalleled wine experience.
Through our wine discovery, we are able to present superb alternatives to our clients, to enjoy and savour. With each bottle, we hope you enjoy new tastes and flavours and that these will broaden your wine horizons.

In Vino Veritas – in wine we find truth and long life, cheers!